Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Kissin' Wears Out

I'm working on cleaning out a basement closet. So far I've found Harper's baby present (2 years and many sizes too late,) fixed a frame (that broke in the move 3 years ago,) located the beginnings of Marlowe's X-mas stocking (I started while preggers) and found Momma T's recipe box. Everything takes so long because I have to inspect it, sneeze, read it, sneeze, hoard it or chuck it and, in the case of the recipes, scan them! Some of these I haven't had since childhood and though they're pretty simple (and generally not healthy) it's nice to have the exact recipes especially in everyone's own handwriting. The more stains the better the recipe:
Nana's usual contribution to any large family event. 

I loved this shizz. Gonna have to make this on some JFF (Junk Food Friday) soon.

This is one of those recipes I totally forgot about until now but I can almost taste it. 

Not very Chinese, not very healthy, very yummy salad.

My aunt Mary brought a few of these to Thanksgiving every year. They were ALWAYS the first thing to go.

So stained it's transparent. 

Don't remember it, will eat it again.

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